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von Tomas Fitzel, rbb Kultur, 12. April 2021

"Am 12. April 1961 flog der Kosmonaut Juri Gagarin als erster Mensch in den Weltraum. Er umrundete die Erde und schrieb Weltraumgeschichte. Das Technikmuseum in Berlin zeigt jetzt eine Spurensuche in Russland und den ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken des Stuttgarter Fotografen Dieter Seitz. Tomas Fitzel im Gespräch mit Dieter Seitz über diesen Tag heute vor 60 Jahren." – Hier weiter zum Radiobeitrag:

der sowjetische Kosmonaut Juri Gagarin

Raumfahrtreste und Sputnikspuren im Alltag der Ex-UdSSR, gesehen vom Fotografen Dieter Seitz

von Andreas Langen, SWR2, 09. April 2021

"Der Soziologe und Fotograf Dieter Seitz untersucht in Bild und Text das Erbe der sowjetischen Raumfahrt im heutigen Alltag der Ex-UdSSR. Mit seinem doppelten Sensorium der Welterkundung hat sich der gebürtige Stuttgarter (...) seit den 90er Jahren intensiv mit dem Erbe der Sowjetunion befasst. Zehntausende Kilometer legte er bei seinen Recherchen zurück, meist in der Peripherie des untergegangen Imperiums, etwa den schier endlosen Steppen Kasachstans."

Hier weiter zum Radiobeitrag:

Livestream-Pressetermin zur Fotoausstellung Cosmic Culture im Deutschen Technikmuseum Berlin

Die Ausstellung Cosmic Culture wurde am 08. April 2021 auf einem Livestream-Pressetermin vorgestellt. Als Gesprächspartner wirkten dabei mit

Joachim Breuninger, Vorstand Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
Matthias Platzeck, Ministerpräsident a.D., Vorsitzender des Deutsch-Russischen Forums
Bernd Lüke, Kurator der Ausstellung
Dieter Seitz, Fotograf

Das gesamte Pressegespräch sowie der anschließende Rundgang durch die Ausstellung kann als Video-Dokumentation abgerufen werden:

Livestream press event on the photo exhibition Cosmic Culture at the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin

The exhibition Cosmic Culture was presented at a livestream press event on 8 April 2021. The following people were present as interlocutors

Joachim Breuninger, Chairman of the German Museum of Technology Berlin Foundation
Matthias Platzeck, former Minister President, Chairman of the German-Russian Forum
Bernd Lüke, curator of the exhibition
Dieter Seitz, photographer

The complete press conference and the subsequent tour of the exhibition can be viewed as a video documentation:

60. Jahrestag Gagarins Flug ins All – das Deutsche Technikmuseum Berlin zeigt Cosmic Culture

Am 12. April 1961 flog Juri Gagarin als erster Mensch ins Weltall. Dieses Ereignis wurde deswegen zu einem so entscheidenden, geschichtlichen Moment, weil damit "die Erde zum ersten Mal die Chance hat, sich selbst zu sehen“, wie Günter Anders 1970 feststellte. Für mich liegt hierin auch ein tieferer Grund dafür, dass die Ideen und Symboliken des Kosmos ihre Wirkmacht entfalten und in der damaligen Sowjetunion als Kosmos-Ästhetik in dieser Breite zu einem Phänomen der Alltagskultur werden konnten.

Das Deutsche Technikmuseum Berlin zeigt anlässlich des 60. Jahrestages von Gagarins Flug die Ausstellung "Cosmic Culture – Sowjetische Weltraum-Ästhetik im Alltag des Ostens". Wie alle wissen, die mein gleichnamiges Buch schon kennen, geht es mir darum, einen Blick hinter den "Mythos Gagarin“ zu werfen und ein bisher vernachlässigtes kulturelles Phänomen zu fokussieren: Die Ausstellung reflektiert, wie die Faszination der Raumfahrt damals auch jenseits großer Politik und Propaganda in Gestalt einer ausdifferenzierten Kosmos-Ästhetik Eingang ins Alltagsleben der Menschen gefunden hat.

Die Ausstellung ist komplett aufgebaut, kann nach letztem Stand coronabedingt aber leider erst im Mai eröffnet werden (konkreter Termin folgt). Stattdessen hier zunächst einen visuellen Eindruck von ihrer Entstehung.

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    Cosmic Culture - Aufbau im Deutschen Technikmuseum Berlin

Das Museum konnte seine technischen und räumlichen Möglichkeiten dabei für aufwändige Installationen nutzen, in denen die Bilder, ganz dem Thema entsprechend, in die 3. Dimension reichen. Was zugleich wunderbar korrespondiert mit Vorläufern der Raketentechnik in der unmittelbar benachbarten Technikausstellung.

An dieser Stelle mein herzlicher Dank an das Deutsche Technikmuseum, namentlich an – Prof. Joseph Hoppe, bis 2020 stellvertretender Direktor, und Joachim Breuninger, Vorstand der Stiftung, für die freundliche Einladung und innovative Offenheit, eine dezidiert künstlerische Position in den Technikkontext des Hauses zu integrieren, – Bernd Lüke für kuratorisches Engagement, langen Atem und ruhige Hand, das Projekt zwischen Lockdowns, Kameralistik und anderen Untiefen sicher ins Ziel zu steuern, – Dr. Tiziana Zugaro und ihrem Team für offensive, präzise Kommunikation und Pressearbeit in einer pandemiebedingt volatilen Umwelt sowie

last but not least Andreas Froncala, Ausstellungsgestaltung, Jürgen Heinrich und Thomas Krüger, Technik, Moritz Koch, Grafik, Ernst Meyer, Film, John Sykes, Übersetzung, Thomas Dittrich und Martin Zirbes, Druck, Fa. Neumann, Rahmung, und allen nicht namentlich genannten Mitwirkenden für die reibungslose und entspannte Zusammenarbeit.

Deutscher Fotobuchpreis für Cosmic Culture

Cosmic Culture wurde beim DEUTSCHEN FOTOBUCHPREIS 20/21 in der Kategorie „Konzeptionell-künstlerischer Fotobildband“ mit SILBER ausgezeichnet. Prämiert werden damit "die besonderen Leistungen von Fotografen, Verfassern und Herausgebern" sowie der Buchgestaltung. Mein herzlicher Dank für ihre Beiträge zum gemeinsamen Erfolg und an dieser Stelle nochmals für die wunderbare Zusammenarbeit geht daher an den Autor des Essays, Dr. Markus Kaiser, an den Designer Moritz Koch sowie an das Team des Kettler Verlags.

Der Deutsche Fotobuchpreis ist der Wettbewerb, bei dem die besten Fotobücher des deutschsprachigen Raums gekürt werden. Veranstalterin ist die Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Stuttgart, die diese Aufgabe vor vier Jahren vom Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels übernommen hat. Ursprünglich als "Kodak Fotobuchpreis" im Jahr 1975 von der gleichnamigen Firma gegründet, blickt der Wettbewerb auf eine lange Tradition in der professionellen Fotografie zurück.

Die Preisverleihung fand im Rahmen der Stuttgarter Buchwochen statt – dieses Jahr leider nur virtuell. Im Anschluß geht der Fotobuchpreis auf Wanderschaft und wird (abhängig von der Entwicklung der Pandemie) an mehreren Orten in Deutschland sowie im Ausland präsentiert.

Verlag Kettler: Ausgezeichnet beim Deutschen Fotobuchpreis
Deutscher Fotobuchpreis: Cosmic Culture von Dieter Seitz

der Band Cosmic Culture von Dieter Seitz, mit dem Deutschen Fotobuchpreis in Silber ausgezeichnet

Cosmic Culture was awarded with SILVER at the GERMAN PHOTO BOOK AWARD 20/21 in the category "conceptual-artistic photo book". The award is given for "the special achievements of photographers, authors and editors" as well as book design. My heartfelt thanks for their contributions to our mutual success and at this point once again for the wonderful cooperation therefore are addressed to the author of the essay, Dr. Markus Kaiser, to the designer Moritz Koch as well as to the team at Kettler Verlag.

The German Photo Book Award is a competition in which the best photo books of the German-speaking world are chosen. It is organised by the Stuttgart Media University (HdM), which took over this task from the German Publishers & Booksellers Association four years ago. Originally founded as the "Kodak Photo Book Prize" in 1975 by the company of the same name, the competition looks back on a long tradition of professional photography.

The award ceremony took place during the Stuttgart "Book Weeks" - this year, unfortunately, only virtually. Afterwards, the photo book prize will go on tour and (depending on the development of the pandemic) will be presented at several locations in Germany and abroad.

Review: Cosmic Culture als "eine Art zwingendes Pendant" zu René Burris Bilder der US-Raumfahrt. Photo International, Juni-Juli 2020

Dem internationalen Anspruch seines Journals folgend, verweist Hans-Eberhard Hess, Chefredakteur von Photo International, auf einen interessanten Vorläufer von Cosmic Culture. "Schon einmal hat sich ein Fotograf mit der irdischen Begleitmusik kosmischer Utopien beschäftigt: Um 1980 fotografierte der Schweizer René Burri Glanz und Elend der US-amerikanischen Raumfahrtpläne. Sein Buch Ein amerikanischer Traum erschien 1986 bei Gerno. Dem transatlantischen Blick setzt der in Bonn lebende Fotograf Dieter Seitz mit seiner vorzüglichen, weit ausgreifenden Publikation nun eine Art zwingendes Pendant entgegen. Schließlich war der Wettlauf zu den Sternen eine Art 'Pas de deux' mit der UdSSR als hÖchst erfolgreichem 'Mitbewerber'. Allerdings ist Seitz' Band kein Fotobuch im konventionellen Sinne, sondern eine hÖchst informative, mit eigenen Aufnahmen, abe auch 'Objets trouvés' illustrierte Kulturgeschichte der Eroberung des Alltags durch eine Vision, Raumfahrt genannt."

Die bipolare, internationale Konstellation ist tatsächlich elementar für diese Geschichte – und der Bezug auf René Burri ehrt mich. Herzlichen Dank nach München!

Exhibition: "out and about", Wuppertal

As an open-air exhibition "out and about" is one of the creative results of Corona times. People cannot visit the usual locations of art, museums, galleries and other exhibition places any longer. Thus the idea was, to bring art to the people and to show it in public space.

Two of my works have been selected for presentation on billboards, sized 356 x 252 cm: The pictures "Upcoming McD" from my series "Virtual Landscapes", and "Korolev's Auditorium" from the book "Cosmic Culture". – Please enjoy the view on the exhibition sceneries below! Thanks a lot to the initiators and the team of "out and about" for their wonderful idea and kind committment.

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Photo Contest: ATHENS PHOTOFESTIVAL 2020, Greece

The jury of the ATHENS PHOTOFESTIVAL has put my portfolio on the shortlist of this worldwide contest. This is great honor, althought my work was not included in the 2020 festival at the end.

Review: "... ein wunderbar poetisch informatives Fotobuch jenseits des Dokumentarischen", PHOTONEWS, April 2020

Silke Helmerdig, Professor of Art Photography, reviewed Cosmic Culture for the current edition of PHOTONEWS. "(...) the book is floating between narative and documentation", as she outlines her impression, and summarizes with reference to Robert Musil: In "its alternation of realism and sense of possibility ('Wirklichkeits- und MÖglichkeitssinn', orig.) the book does what photography does at its best: it moves on the edge /verge of documentary and yet creates images which can be free of their models."

Please find the complete review below, I'm sure you'll enjoy!

My warm thanks to Silke for this wonderful text and the PHOTONEWS team for publishing in their great journal!

Read the review: Photonews April 2020

Video of COSMIC CULTURE available now!

Please get your first impression on the book here:

For more information about the book and my current offers please continue to the store on this website.

Interview "Kosmos im Alltag der Sowjetunion: 'Die Schätze schlummern im Verborgenen'"

In context of a presentation of Cosmic Culture in Almaty the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung interviewed Markus Kaiser and me. Please find this talk about the "Making Of", about the background and details researching and photographing in seven countries here

You can get the article also as PDF

According to the clickrates there is great interest. Thanks a lot to the editors for their commitment and the wonderful design of this double page!

1000 Wirklichkeiten - 100 Jahre GDL/DFA, Deichtorhallen Hamburg

Two pictures from my series Virtual Landscapes are part of this great photoshow at Deichtorhallen Hamburg 2019 October 09 until 13.

As the programm says, this exhibition "gibt einen Einblick in den Reichtum der Bilder und Ideen, die im Laufe eines Jahrhunderts auf dem Feld der künstlerischen Fotografie entwickelt wurden. Visionen für die Zukunft werden den Vorstellungen historischer fotografischer Positionen direkt gegenübergestellt. Es geht (...) um die Sensibilisierung füMr die Ausdrucksformen des Mediums Fotografie zwischen Authenzität und Inszenierung, Abbild und Abstraktion, Dokument und Fiktion, Intuition und Konzept.
Die Ausstellung wurde verantwortlich kuratiert von Wolfgang Zurborn in Zusammenarbeit mit Nadine Preiß, Angela Hildebrand, Knut Wolfgang Maron, Andreas Langen und Dieter Seitz."


Cosmic Culture Cover

I'm pleased to announce my new book:
Soviet Space Aesthetics in Everyday Life

Dieter Seitz, essay by Markus Kaiser
published by Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
1st Edition September 2019
ISBN 978-3-86206-765-7
176 pages, 30 x 24 cm, hard cover
Languages: German, English

Thanks a lot to
- Moritz Koch for design and layout,
- the team of Verlag Kettler for their commitment and trust in my work,
- the German embassy in Moscow and European Space Agency (ESA), Moscow office, for support, and last but not least to
- the German-Kazakh University (DKU), Almaty, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, for supporting and sponsoring the project.

You can order a signed edition of the book and the book plus selected Fine Art Prints (limited edition) directly here.

For more information and pictures:

Photo Contest: ATHENS PHOTOFESTIVAL 2019, Greece

I'm pleased to announce, that my series COSMOS UTOPIA was shortlisted in this worldwide contest documentary category.

The series is part of my Project "Cosmos and Everyday Life", which will be finished soon with publishing a new book about this topic. More news following soon.

Interview: "Kulturelle Topografie - Weiße Flecken", LIFT magazine 03/2019

Isabella Caldart interviewed me for LIFT magazine, edition 03/2019, which also presents some visual highlights of the exhibition at vhs photogalerie.

Please find more here: (pdf, 816kb)

Exhibition: "Das Kasachstan Projekt", vhs photogalerie, Stuttgart

I greatly appreciate that vhs photogalerie, Stuttgart, will present the project. And I'm especially happy, because Stuttgart is my hometown - so in a way I'm getting back to my roots with this exhibition.

Thanks a lot to Bettina Michel and Simone Gutekunst for the kind invitation, for perfect organization and cooperation, and to the vhs team for their strong support.
There will be 45 pictures, three of them in size 220 x 310 cm which fits perfectly in these halls. -

vhs photogalerie
Opening: Wednesday February 13, 2019, 07:00 pm
Rotebühlplatz 28, 70173 Stuttgart

until May 05, 2019
Opening time: Monday - Saturday 08:00 am to 23:00, Sunday 09:00 am to 06:00 pm

Exhibition: "The Kazakhstan Project", Galerie für Fotografie, GAF, Hannover

I'm happy to announce, a broad overview of the project will be presented by the Galerie für Fotografie, GAF, in Hannover. There will be more than 40 pictures, three of them in size 220 x 310 cm for the first time, which will be a premiere for the Gallery as well. Please find an exhibition view and some impressions of the opening below.

My warm thanks to Rolf Nobel and GAF society for their invitation to this wonderful exhibition site and for pleasant cooperation, and to the gallery team for their strong support.

Galerie für Fotografie, GAF
Opening: Wednesday November 08, 2018, 07:00pm
Seilerstraße 15d, 30171 Hannover

until December 09, 2018
Opening time: Thursday - Sunday 12:00 am to 06:00 pm

New Reviews: "Landeskunde wird bei ihm zur Kunst" (Freddy Langer, FAZ)

Freddy Langer, photography specialist of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reviewed NOMADS LAND in its edition of 2018 December 6th: "...stets präzis beobachtet, mit einem Gespür für subtile Farbkompositionen. Landeskunde wird bei ihm zur Kunst."

Please find more here (PDF, 555kb) or here (docx, 673kb).

Interview "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung", No. 31, 2018

The Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (DAZ, German-Russian Weekly for Central Asia) published an interview with Markus Kaiser, author of the essay in NOMADS LAND and me. It's about my work and the genesis of NOMADS LAND, about the cultural development of Kazakhstan between Nomadism, Soviet heritage and capitalist modernity, about the search for identity and about funding art projects.

Please find the interview here - and enjoy reading! (PDF, 720kb)

New Book Reviews: "Country in Transition"

NOMADS LAND continues to be under discussion in print and online media.

The feuilleton of "neues deutschland" reviewed the book in its edition of 2018 July 19th: In its "quiet, thoughtful pictures" NOMADS LAND shows Kazakhstan as a "Country in Transition".

Please find more here. (PDF, 200kb)

In the blog berlinograd Ani Menua summarized: "The photographer manages to capture the significant moments of a transition in the very moment, when the old and the new merge."

Please find the complete review here:

Photo Contest: ATHENS PHOTOFESTIVAL 2018, Greece

I'm pleased to announce, that my series The Dreams of the She-Wolf, Revised was shortlisted in the documentary category. - The series is part of my long term "Kazakhstan Project". More news following soon.

Exhibition: "IDENTITY", Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin

My portrait series "Andrej Bogdanovitch" will be presented in the group show "IDENTITY", curated by Thomas Meyer, Ostkreuzschule Berlin. My warm thanks to Thomas and to my colleagues for great cooperation and support!

Kunstquartier Bethanien
Opening: Thursday April 19, 2018, 07:00pm
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
until April 22, 2018
Opening time: Monday - Sunday 11:00am to 08:00pm

Please find an exhibition view and some impressions of the opening below.

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NOMADS LAND was nominated as one of the "Four Favourites of the Week"

SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG has nominated my photobook NOMADS LAND as one of the "Four Favourites of the Week" in its issue of 5./6./7. January 2018.

A "lovingly abysmal photobook" (ein "liebevoll abgründiger Bildband"), says Sonja Zekri in the feature of the SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG.

Please find the complete review here:

"... in bester Autorenfotografie"
Book Review in PHOTONEWS No. 12/2017 - 1/2018

I'm pleased to announce, that the art critic and historian Enno Kaufhold has reviewed NOMADS LAND for PHOTONEWS, double issue December 2017 - January 2018.

Please find the complete review here. (PDF, 779kb)

Book Review: "NDR Kultur" about NOMADS LAND and the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution

From the beginning, historical references were crucial to my photographic search for the Cultural Topography of Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, I had not dreamed of presenting this book almost exactly on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, when visiting Kazakhstan for the first time eight years ago.
Now, the station NDR Kultur has kindly presented NOMADS LAND with reference to the historical event of the October Revolution. Please find the complete review here.

Lenin in the Steppe of Korneeyka
Lenin in the Steppe of Korneeyka, Nomads Land No. 91

Exhibition: "Moon Flowers", Ausstellungshaus Spoerri, Hadersdorf, Austria

I'm happy to announce, that selected pictures of my new series "Moon Flowers" will be presented at the Spoerri Gallery, Austria. - Among others Katharina Duwen, Daniel Spoerri, Rozbeh Asmani, Karoline Bröckel, Werner Henkel, Barbara Camilla Tucholski, Martin Weimar, Golbarg Tavakolian, herman de vries, Scénocosme and Christiane Löhr will participate in this group exhibition, entitled "Kunst durch die Blume". Please find more here.
My warm thanks and compliments to Barbara Räderscheid for organizing and curating this wonderful exhibition.

Ausstellungshaus Spoerri
26. August bis 29. Oktober
A-3493 Hadersdorf am Kamp, Austria
Hauptplatz 23
Thursday-Sunday 11am until 6pm

Moon Flowers im Spoerri
Moon Flowers No. 07

"NOMADS LAND" - Sehen & lesen, was Frank Steinmeier liest!

Beim Empfang des Deutschen Botschafters in Astana hatte Markus Kaiser, Autor des Buch-Essays, die Gelegenheit, "NOMADS LAND" dem Bundespräsidenten Frank Steinmeier zu überreichen:

Steinmeier mit NOMADS LAND

"Sehen & lesen, was Frank Steinmeier liest" - das dürfte zumindest im Falle von "NOMADS LAND" die richtige Devise sein.

Eine kleine Auswahl von Bildern des Buches sind unter photos auf dieser Website anzusehen. Buchbestellungen können direkt von meinem store aus vorgenommen werden: Dort ist auch Näheres zu den Fine Art Prints ausgewählter Motive zu finden, die in limitierter Edition vorfügbar sind und ebenfalls online bestellt werden können.

Für Rückfragen und nähere Erläuterungen bin ich gerne über oder auch telefonisch erreichbar.

Book "NOMADS LAND. The Kazakhstan Project"

I'm pleased to announce my new book:

NOMDADS LAND. The Kazakhstan Project
Dieter Seitz, essay by Markus Kaiser
published by Hatje Cantz, Berlin
1st Edition 2017
ISBN 978-3-7757-4363-1
160 pages, 103 colour plates, 30 x 23 cm, hard cover
Languages: German, English

Thanks a lot to
• Moritz Koch for design and layout,
• Wolfgang Zurborn for picture editing,
• Markus Schaden and Nadine Barth for consulting,
• the team of Hatje Cantz Verlag for their commitment and trust in my work, and last but not least to
• the German embassy in Astana, the German Consulate general in Almaty, the Institut fÜr Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), the German-Kazakh University (DKU), Almaty, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, for supporting and sponsoring the project.

You can order a signed edition of the book and a limited edition of the book plus selected Fine Art Prints directly in the store here:

For more information:

Cover of Nomads Land

Exhibition: "Living Inventory", Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin

Selected pictures of my series "Virtual Landscapes" will be part of this group exhibit, curated by Wolfgang Zurborn.

Kunstquartier Bethanien
Opening: Saturday June 10, 2017, 07:00 pm
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
until June 16, 2017
Opening time: Monday - Sunday 11:00 am to 07:00 pm

Please find some impressions of the presentation, with a huge poster of the "Triumph of Astana" (365 x 252cm) and some making-of pictures below.

Living Inventory, Kunsthaus Bethanien

Talk/Lecture: Deutsche Fotografische Akademie (DFA)

I'm happy to talk about my work "Urban Nomads" and about "The Kazakhstan Project" at the DFA-Symposium April 29th 2017, 14:15
Zehntscheuer, Maiergasse 8, 70771 Leinfeld-Echterdingen.
Free Participation

Please find the detailed program here.

Photo Contest: KOLGA AWARD 2017, Georgia

I'm pleased to announce, that my series "The Dreams of the She-Wolf, Revised" was shortlisted in the documentary category and thus will be among the "Best Photos" of the year 2014.

The series is part of my long term "Kazakhstan Project". More news following soon.

Exhibition and Catalogue: Photo Beijing 2016

My series "Virtual Landscapes" was choosen to be exhibited at Photo Beijing. 25 pictures of this series are going to be presented at the exhibit hall in front of The China Millennium Monument.

Opening: Saturday 15, 2016, 15:00 pm
9 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing
until October 23, 2016
Opening time: Monday - Thursday 09:00 am to 06:00 pm
Friday - Sunday 09:00am - 09:00 pm

Please find the complete series and some more information on these websites:

Best of 20161016 Photo Beijing
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Exhibition: "Die Erfindung des Realen", an Exhibition within the "European Month Of Photography" (EMOP) in Berlin

My series "To Go, To Stay" will be part of this group exhibit, curated by Wolfgang Zurborn.

Potsdamer Rechenzentrum Kunst- und Kreativhaus
Opening: Saturday 15, 2016, 06:00 pm
Dortustraße 46, 144467 Potsdam
until November 12, 2016
Opening time: Thursday - Sunday 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Finissage: 12.11.2016, 19.00

Please find more information on this website:

To Go, To Stay - Berlin

Exhibition "DOUBLE FEATURE: Virtual Landscapes & Kaz Vegas"

Kazarian Art Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Opening: Sunday September 18, 2016, 04:00 pm
59 Stankevich, Almaty
until October 10, 2016
Opening time: Thursday - Friday 10:00 am to 06:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Mobile : +7 701 245 1777

Please find the series and more information on these websites:

Please note: Presentation at Kazarian Art Center will be the premiere for Kaz Vegas. Therefore the pictures of this series will be on this website some days after the vernissage only.

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Double Feature Virtual Landscapes and Kaz Vegas, Almaty

Exhibition "Virtual Landscapes"

Sarieyev Museum, Atyrau
Opening: Friday April 29, 2016, 03:00 pm
Prospect Azatyk 11, Kazakhstan
until May 25, 2016
Opening time: Thursday - Friday 10:00 am to 06:00 pm,
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am to 05:00 pm

Please find the series and more information on this website: Virtual Landscapes

Exhibition "Virtual Landscapes"

Kasteev Museum, Almaty
Opening: Tuesday April 15, 2016, 04:00 pm
22/1 Koktem-3, Almaty, Kazakhstan
until April 26, 2016
Opening time: Thursday - Friday 09:00 am to 06:00 pm,
Saturday & Sunday 09:00 am to 05:00 pm

Please find more information, press reviews and TV interviews:
Youtube: 2016 "Виртуальные ландшафты" Дитера Зайта
Youtube: 2016 Выставка "Виртуальные ландшафты" Дитера Зайта

Virtual Landscapes, Kasteev Museum, Almaty

Exhibition: "Virtual Landscapes"

Nevzorov Museum, Semipalatinsk/Semey
Opening: Tuesday March 15, 2016, 04:00 pm
Ul. Pushkina 108, Semipalatinsk/Semey, Kazakhstan
until March 31, 2016
Opening time: Thursday - Friday 09:00 am to 06:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 09:00 am to 05:00 pm

Please find the series and more information on this website: Virtual Landscapes

Virtual Landscapes in Nevsorow Museum, Semipalatinsk/Semey

Book Review

The German PHOTONEWS reviewed my "Virtual Landscapes" and summarized: "Neben dem fotografischen Reiz der Aufnahmen ist Seitz' Buch zugleich eine Dokumentation über das globale Phänomen einer visuellen Kommunikation im öffentlichen Raum, die Dank moderner Techniken die urbanan Räume verändert."

PHOTONEWS, No. 12/15 - 1/16, page 20
ISSN 1612-4413

Please find complete review here: Review of the book "Virtual Landscapes" as PDF (2.7 MB)

Book "Virtual Landscapes"

I'm pleased to announce my new book:

Virtual Landscapes - The Kazakhstan Project
published by Kettler Verlag, Dortmund
1st Edition October 2015
ISBN 978-3-86206-519-6
48 pages, 39 colour photos, 24x21 cm, hard cover
Languages: German, English

Thanks a lot to Moritz Koch for design and layout, Richard Reisen and Moritz for cover design, Wolfgang Zurborn for selecting and sequencing the photos.

Please find more information:

Cover von Virtual Landscapes

Exhibition: "Virtual Landscapes"

Regional Museum of Fine Art, Karaganda
Opening: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 04:00 pm
Prospekt Bukhar Zhyrau 76, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
until November 22, 2015
Opening time: Thursday until Sunday 10:00 am to 06:00 pm.

Find the series and more information on this website: Virtual Landscapes

Interview "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung", No 43, 23rd October 2015

Entitled "Zwischen Wunsch und Realität" ("Between Desire and Reality") the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (DAZ, German-Russian Weekly in Central Asia) published an interview about the conceptual background of the series Virtual Landscapes and my exhibitions in Kazakhstan, about some experiences in the country and ongoing works of my Kazakhstan Project.

Please find the online version here:

Exhibition: "Virtual Landscapes"

Contemporary Art Center 'Kulanshi', Palace of Peace and Accord
Opening: Thursday, October 08, 2015, 06:30pm
Tauelsizdik Street 57, 010000 Astana, Kazakhstan
until October 29, 2015
Opening time: Thursday until Friday 10:00am to 06:00pm

Please feel free to call the gallery for extra appointments: + 7 /7172/ 744 717
Mobile +7 702 510 57 20

Find the series and more information on this website: Virtual Landscapes

Virtual Landscapes in the Contemporary Art Center, Kulanshi
Contemporary Art Center, Kulanshi

Exhibition: "Virtual Landscapes"

Gallery f75
Opening: Tuesday, June 02, 2015, 07:00 pm
Filderstraße 75 (Marienplatz), 70180 Stuttgart
until June 19, 2015

Please feel free to call the gallerist for extra appointments: +49.172.7178 776

For more information:

Exhibition: "... jeder nach seiner Façon";

organized by Gallery Ruhnke, Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft und Stadt Cottbus
Opening: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 18 pm
Rathaus Cottbus, Neumarkt 1, 03046 Cottbus
until August 20, 2014

My series "War and Games" reflects popular myth and mementos of the military ambitions of Frederic II. One more time I'll contribute the series to the group exhibition entitled "... because here, each must live as he sees fit" - a sentence Frederick II famously remarked in 1740, referring to religious tolerance within society.

Find the series and more information on this website: photos/war_and_games/

Photo Contest, Exhibition and Catalogue: Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2014

I'm pleased to announce that my series "Athens Rap" in Geocell mobile category was chosen by the KOLGA AWARD international jury members among the best photos of the year 2014.

"Athens Rap" is part of my long term project on the crisis in Greece. It shows the underground rap culture of Athens - a self organized and non commercial movement with an anti-racist and anti-bureaucratic common sense.

The photos will be exhibited on May 1 at KOLGA AWARD exhibition to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, and will be printed in the annual photo catalogue.

Find complete series on this website: Athens Rap

Photo Contest and Catalogue: Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2013

The series "Pomp and Power in the Steppes of Kazakhstan" has been shortlisted for the documentary category by the Kolga Award international jury members. The photos of this project have been chosen to the best photos of the year in Tbilisi, Georgia. Now some of them are printed in the Kolga Award annual photo catalog which was published recently and now is available at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Office. Find complete series also on this website: Pomp and Power

"The photos focus on two cities: Alma Ata, the former and Astana the new capital of Kazakhstan since 1997. Alma Ata located on the famous Silk Road developed and grew organically over centuries, so investment driven architecture couldn't destroy the character of the city. Astana on the other hand is a green field site founded by its autocratic ruler Nasarbajew. There, one luxury building after the other mushroomed up in the middle of nowhere: The golden Twin Towers, copied from Dubai or New York, a skyycraper with a Chinese Pagoda roof etc.

At the same time in residential areas normal people have to cope with income levels far below European standard. 'The new city', they say without any regret, 'belongs to the rich.' " (Catalogue 2013, p. 198)

Further the jury has chosen a picture of the series "Dream Walk" in the category "One Shot". Find complete series on this website: Dream Walk

Exhibition: Wut - Enttäuschung - Hoffnung. Bilder aus Athen

Rhenania Exhibition 2013
Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln, Bayenstraße 28
June 9th - 29th 2013
Organized by Galerie Ruhnke and POP Initiativgruppe Griechische Kultur e.V.

Find complete series on this website: Fury - Disappointment - Hope

Exhibition: "... jeder nach seiner Façon"

" '... because here, each must live as he sees fit' Frederick II famously remarked in 1740, referring to religious tolerance within society. This postulate has remained topical until today, albeit in a broader sense: each of us should be able to live in accordance with his or her own ideas. (...) the appeal of this topic is twofold: it is interesting not only in historical retrospect, but also relevant in a contemporary context. The pictures are thus not intended to illustrate history, but rather as subjective questions raised in the context of the present situation: in how far have Frederic II. and his actions remained alive in collective memory?" (exhibition catalogue)

With his photo series "War and Games" Dieter Seitz's artistic contribution reflects popular myth and mementos of the military ambitions of Frederic II.

Find the series on this website: War and Games

Exhibition: Wut - Enttäuschung - Hoffnung. Bilder aus Athen

Kunsthaus sans titre, Potsdam
August 11th - 26th 2012
Organized by Galerie Ruhnke.

Find exhibited series on this website: Fury - Disappointment - Hope.